Do you feel the love?
I sure hope we were able to make The Honey feel loved this Father's Day. Because he is. He's adored. And the smiles on those kids' faces are evidence of it. We all look forward to the sound of the Big Dodge pulling up the driveway in the evenings. He makes them laugh, and teaches them respect, and showers them with figure four leg locks and smooches. And there is no one on the planet that I would rather raise The Yahoos with than this man. My Man. This Honey of mine.
And speaking of good men, I've got this dad. And he's fantastic. And the looks on those kids' faces are evidence of it.

He's a coach.
And an encourager.
And patient.
Oh so patient. Like when little girls can't bait their own hook. Or when we break the line on all 5 rods that we take fishing .
He makes sacrifices. Like getting in the water with The Yahoos when the water is entirely too cold all the while letting me sit on the porch with my feet propped up.
Yep, I'd have to say. He's pretty fantastic.
I absolutely loved this blog and the accompanying pictures were adorable!! You have one precious family!