Speaking of rants.....
So it seems as if every year or so I have to review Toilet Etiquette 101 with the Yahoos. Just the basics really. How often to flush. How much toilet paper is appropriate. And that you shouldn't wait until pee is dribbling down your leg before you head to the bathroom.
I know in the big scheme of things that this is no big deal, but honestly it gets on my nerves that I have to do this. Yearly.
It all started on Mother's Day.
Did I ever get to tell you about my Mother's Day? No? Let's catch up.
Mother's Day and my anniversary coincided this year. And seeing that The Honey had to get the hay off the field before the rain came in on Saturday night and we didn't get to go out so I
So what is a woman to do with a Sunday afternoon to herself?
That's right....this mama scrubbed the toilets!
Because as all the Yahoos piled in the van to go to the movies I was notified that the upstairs bathroom was overflowing.
But as any
'How does one person need so much toilet paper?' and
'Are they blind?'
Now fast forward three days later.
I'm trying to throw 4 Yahoos out the door for piano practice when I am notified...AGAIN...that a toilet is overflowing. But this time instead of cleaning it up I call everyone into the bathroom. To watch. Even Baby. We all gather around an overflowing toilet for a family meeting. I
This is what happens when we don't flush often enough.
This is what happens when we use too much toilet paper.
If this happens again Mommy's head will explode.
That will be a horrible mess.
From the look in their eyes they seemed to get it.
In other news.....
Sweet Yahoo had her very first piano recital this week. She was absolutely fabulous.
Take a listen, but first make sure you turn off the audio player at the bottom of the page. Because I don't want you to miss a second of My Little Mozart.
Here she is before all knees knocking and pink cowgirl boots shaking
And here she is with her incredible teacher
As always I forgot to get a picture with her. Ugh. One of these days I'm going to Photoshop me into every picture I have of her.
Finally, in other completely random and ridiculously insane happenings....
I am thinking of getting a dog....or two.
I am such a sucker for animals. We have had 2 dogs in the past. Bingo and Trigger. I loved them dearly. Both of them suffered early, traumatic deaths. I don't want to talk about it really. But my heart has healed and I'm ready to move on. I'm being very picky about the breed and age I want. It is hard to be patient, though. Right now would be the perfect time to get them because we are semi-out of school and have time to focus on getting them acclimated to our home. I'm trying hard not to jump the gun and get some that aren't just right for us, but instead wait for the right ones to come to us. Have I ever mentioned that I stink at waiting? What's so sweet, though, is how much Ninja is wanting one. He is getting all his old toys together to have a yard sale and doing extra work around the house to try to save some money to buy one. He loves animals just as much as I do. I love that we share that trait. I have some calls out to try to find what we're looking for. BUT PLEASE do not try to help us out by dropping your stray dogs on our property. Please.
I better run. I think I hear someone using the toilet.........
I LOVE your blog. You write it just like you tell it in person or in our case over the phone! I LOVE it!! And I LOVE you and your YaHoO fAmIlY!!