
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Had This Great Idea While I Was Hiding In The Pantry

It was 2:00 pm.   I had just about reached my limit and was finding a new place to hide so the children couldn't find me.

The pantry.  Mr. Reliable.
And what do you know, I found myself in there with a spoon, an open jar of peanut butter and some chocolate chips.  Hello?  What is a mom of 4 Yahoos to do?  Uh-huh, you know.  The details of what transpired over the next 5 minutes or so are a bit too humiliating graphic.  But needless to say I was a little less edgy by the time I walked out of there.

As I tried to drown out the sounds of the chaos that ensued outside that thin door, my mind begin to wander.  And do you know what I started thinking about?


That's right.  I have been doing this blog thing for a good month now and I am not getting nearly the comments that I had hoped for.  

I'm going to be vulnerable here.  I am a wee bit needy in the affirmation department.   When I get no feedback on something I've done I start making assumptions.  'You're an idiot' or 'What a moron' are frequent conversations I have with myself. 

Honestly, though, I AM very interested in your thoughts on my thoughts.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for you guys to pander to me.  I don't want you to tell me how great everything I say is, especially when I am completely wrong about something.  Those are tricks I use on The Honey.  No, I just want honest feedback.  A general back and forth adult conversation between me and you.

So to get the ball rolling, I'm going to dangle this carrot.  Well, more accurately, I will be dangling some peanut butter.

'Peanut butter?'  you say.  That's right.  See, while I was in the pantry gorging  thinking I rehashed a conversation or two I have had with people about peanut butter.  Apparently people's opinion on which brand of PB is the best is a hot topic .  And most people I talk to have their minds completely made up.

So, I'm asking you....Which brand of PB does your family prefer.  Jif? Peter Pan? Great Value? 

And here's the treat.  Leave a comment giving me your vote (and, if your feeling fancy a quick story of creative lunches you've fed your young'ens----just for my amusement).  Then at the end of the contest a random entry will be chosen.  This will involve a hat, small slips of paper, and one of my illiterate children.  The lucky winner will receive 2 (unopened) jars of their favorite PB and a recipe to one killer peanut butter pie. 

Alright people.  You have 24 hours.  Good luck!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Alive Again

Well, how was your Thanksgiving?

Ours was full.  Full days, full bellies, full shopping carts.

I loved having nothing to do except to make memories with my family.  We ate yummy food, played lots of board games, watched lots of movies.  I even squeezed in a mommy/daughter date to have our nails done!

Sadly to say I did not get to take any pictures of us on Thanksgiving day with our family.   But I did grab this video of Baby Yahoo doing his 'dance' as he turns on this toy and spins around for what seems like an eternity.  In doing so he gets a little, let's say, hammered.

I feel bad encouraging this drunken stupor.  But it's just too funny to pass up.  Don't you agree?

I did, though, snap several shots of the Yahoos for our Christmas card.  The following didn't make the card, but are worthy of a blog post.

Baby Yahoo learning harmonica
A real treasure.  I never get a pic of just me with The Honey.

I have no words.

Since we had some down time over the weekend I had a chance one night to do some reading with Sweet Yahoo out of The Jesus Storybook Bible.

I really like this book.  It is a collection of Bible stories, but with the story of Jesus weaved throughout.  It shows how even when God was building relationships with Abraham, Moses, and David he was preparing everyone for Jesus.  And how the redemption of His people will ultimately lead to the redemption of all peoples through His Son.

The story we read was when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter.  I paused as Sweet Yahoo read this part:

"'Honey,' he said, 'it's time to get up.' And he reached down into death and gently brought the little girl back to life."

That part 'he reached down into death.'

The truth of that resonates in me.  I have to remind myself to breathe again.

The times that are the most precious to me are when Jesus reaches down into my daily  deaths and brings me back to life.

I have flashbacks of seasons in my life that I was on the verge of death;  The agony and guilt of a car wreck that went horribly wrong,  the crippling loneliness and fear of being a new mom so far away from my own family, the seed of bitterness that grew up in me from withholding forgiveness from a person who hurt me. The list could go on and on.

All of these times, whether they were induced by my sin or my circumstances, had me on the precipice of a type of spiritual death.  But Jesus, who is rich in mercy, reached down into my death and spoke those words to me:

'Honey, it's time to get up.'

And just like that His Word healed my disease.

He is the LORD, my Healer.

Each of these resurrections, these moments when my heart is restarted by His precious still small voice, jolts me back to life.  With eyes wide open I gasp for his Holy Spirit to breathe new life to these weary bones and calloused heart.  My heart begins beating a new rhythm.  A more joyful rhythm.  And just like a pacemaker for our physical hearts, His grace and truth is the pacemaker for my spiritual heart.

Now, for the record, being renewed, being made new  is not fun.  But it is necessary for that abundant life that He promised (John 10:10).  And after 33 years I have finally decided that I cannot settle for anything less.  

So I work at daily surrender.  Dying my daily deaths in exchange for the ultimate living.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Let's Talk Turkey

I had planned a short break from blogging to concentrate on turkeys.  Both these:

and these:

But somedays words are uttered that  you just can't help but sharing.

Tonight I introduced myself and the Yahoos to 'The Never Ending Story.'  Have you seen it?  Me either.

It was a little intense for Little Middle.  But we managed through.  I also instructed him that if he did have a bad dream he should find his Daddy. ;) Anyway, during the scene where the main kid --- you know the one.  I can't remember his name.  Oh well, names are overrated.  Anyway, the kid who is reading the story.  He is granted a wish from the Princess.  Ninja Yahoo says the following:

"Wish for a mom!  Wish for a mom! They are the greatest things ever!"

And for this I am truly thankful. 

Recognition and honor is not why  we do what we do.   But it is such a sweet reward to hear these words pour off our offspring's lips.  Unrequested. Without prompting.  Straight from the heart.

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24

And because it is so true.  Moms are the greatest thing ever!  My mom certainly is, as is her mom, and hers before.

August 2009

So thank you, Ninja Yahoo, for reminding us that this Thanksgiving one of our greatest treasures is in our wonderful mothers.