
Monday, July 29, 2013

Baby Turns 4

This is Baby.

 And today he turns 4.

I guess it's time to change his name.  Because there is not much baby left in him.

Because he's old enough now to brush his own teeth and make his own bed and say his own prayers.

And God knew what he was doing when He gave him to me last.  Because I'm old   more experienced now and  too tired   have better perspective on how to deal with his crazy handle his mischievousness.

Because Baby, he's a force of nature.

He doesn't stop moving, doesn't stop talking, doesn't stop thinking.

I have to force this child to sit down and watch tv because he is too busy to let life pass him by.

Because Baby, he's full throttle.

He's all about climbing trees and chasing fireflies and beating up his brothers.

And most days he still squeezes the cat.

And the frogs.

But aside from all the grit and grime and chaos and reptiles he brings into this house, Baby is the ray of sunshine I need at the beginning and end of every day.  His tiny hands on my face and sweet head on my shoulder are all I need to help me regain some calm to an otherwise crazy day. 

Every day, Baby, you tell me hundreds of things you need from me.  Another cup of milk...some chicken noodle soup....help turning up the ipad.  But the truth is, Baby, I'm the one that needs you.   God knew I was starting to take life too seriously so he brought your beautiful self into my life right in the knick of time.  And you, my child, make me smile.  A big, goofy, dopey Gomer Pyle smile that I can't seem to wipe off my face. 

I love you, Baby.  And I'm praying for you.  I pray that you grow up strong and humble and wise and grateful.  I pray that God's glory is all over your life.   I pray that He overwhelms you everyday.  I pray that your eyes will be open to see His workings in and around you.   As you learn your letters and long division and how to drive and take your SATs and that first year of marriage that can be a little sticky and those first few weeks  years  decades as a daddy when you have no idea what you're doing and are so sleep deprived you can't think straight.....I pray you let Him work in you.  Shaping you and transforming you into what you were designed for all along.   Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Happy Happy Birthday, beautiful Baby.  I hope it's a Gomer Pyle smile kind of day for you.



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