And today he turns 7.
He tries to act all Hulk and Iron Man but inside he's all teddy bear.
And this year he has been busy.
Busy losing teeth
and farming
and taking on the world.

Let me tell you about this kid. This kid...he's a protector. Like Michael Oher protector. Most of the time the only reason he gets in trouble is for disobeying something I said because he's trying to keep Baby out of trouble.
And Little Middle....he's sensitive. Sensitive to others. He's kind and patient. He's slow to anger and loves to help. But Little Middle....he's sensitive. He takes everything to heart. The harshest word breaks his spirit. And so many times I forget that. And my words are harsh and sharp. And there he stands all spirit-broken.
But Little Middle ....he's a forgiver. And he loves me and I know it. I know it by the way he holds my hand in church or fights to sit beside me during a movie. I know it by the way he refuses to say anyone else's cooking is better than mine.
And he melts my heart like butter.
He's a water dog.
And a ladies' man.
And he likes food. A lot.
A lot of food.
And I just can't imagine my life without him.
So Happy Happy Birthday to my Little Middle. I'm praying you keep learning to drink up this grace-filled life like....well, like a bottle of Hershey's syrup. All sloppy and good to the last drop.
And I'm praying that this lady's man will still have a thing for blue-eyed, blonde hair girls when he's older!! Seriously he and Bella Peace would produce some BEAUTIFUL babies!!