1. Can anyone tell me (in 250 words or less) how Google's new privacy policy will affect my life?
2. I am on the lookout for a good, common sense home remedy resource book. Any suggestions? Before you make any, know that I'm not a quack whole foods junky kind-of gal. I live in the middle of nowhere and have limited resources to get thinks like black mayan copal or some fruitcake thing like that. I'm looking for something that will have recommendations that my Great Granny Mattie would have used. Remedies for ear infections, colds, bad attitudes, dirty dishes, etc.
3. For all my home schoolin' mamas....It's that time of year again when I am doing my perusing for curriculum for next year. I'm always wanting suggestions for curriculum that you are loving. I'm particularly interested (this year) in Grammar/Composition and Geography. But I am interested in hearing about anything that you're loving (or hating) and why.
Now, on to more pressing matters.
The Family Vacation.
This year during The Budget Date (that's a separate post) The Honey told me that I was in charge of determining how we spent any moolah allocated toward a family vacation. First let me say that our little family is not accustomed to any such 'family vacation.' I do not considering packing for a family of 6, arranging childcare for the pets, 16 hour car rides, and digging sand out of diapers a vacation. But this summer, Good Lord willing, all children will be out of diapers.
**insert Hallelujah chorus**
And so, long story short, we have the opportunity to take a vacation. But I just don't know what to do with this. Do we take one long vacation (beach, DC, Colonial Williamsburg) or a few smaller spots that are local and a little more toddler friendly (water parks, zoo, camping)? Which, in the long run, would be more affordable? Which, at the end of it all, would leave me with half my sanity in tact?
I hate making decisions.
That is why I married The Honey.
But he is swamped with decision making and he knows that if he makes the decision and I don't like it then he gets to hear about it that whole 16 hour car ride so he stuck me with it.
So after
I honestly even hate talking about this stuff. I know that lots of people are struggling with far greater decisions than where to go on a vacation. And if that is you, Honey, I feel ya. Remember, I've been in survival mode. I guess thinking about something other than snot rags and steroids is a mini-vacation in and of itself. So my apologies if I am a little less 'real world' than I typically like to be.
I also just read over my post to see if it made sense. I have to say I am sounding a little scattered. It could be the decongestant I've been on. Or that it's Monday. Either way, sorry if I'm all over the place.
Happy day, Y'all!
Hey Mama Yahoo! We like to keep a syrup called Pei Pa Koa on hand at all times for sore throats and coughs. It's a thick syrup that tastes like ginger and honey, and is all-natural. No alcohol, nothing but herbs and stuff that probably grows in the woods. Lol! My neighbor is from the Philippines and she introduced me to it. I buy mine at the Asian grocery store in Little Rock, but you can buy it on Amazon. It's not a cure, but it really calms the sore throat immediately, and quiets the coughs temporarily. It's as thick as molasses and very sweet. Sam and Halli actually like the taste but David won't touch the stuff. You can Google it if you're feeling adventurous. I'm glad I did!
Sorry, another comment from me...I'll ask my brother-in-law about the Google issue. He works for the FBI, so he should know.